Category Archives: Pokemon Go Benefits

4 Ways to Accelerate Your Fat Loss With Pokemon Go

Let’s face the facts. If you’re playing Pokemon Go, you’re going to be burning calories. There’s just no way around this. The game is designed in a way where you need to be active to make progress. You need to constantly walk around looking for PokeStops to pick up potions, eggs, PokeBalls, etc. If you want to hatch an egg, you may need to walk a distance of 2 kilometers to even 8 kilometers depending on the egg’s requirement. You’ll need to find Gyms to do battles […]

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Discover How Pokemon Go Helps Ward Off Depression and Anxiety

Pokemon Go is more popular than ever and thousands of people are playing it daily. While many people dismiss it as just a game, there are many others who’re saying that Pokemon Go is the best thing that has happened to them. After they’ve started playing the game, they feel more energetic and they’re less prone to negative feelings. People all over the world suffer from depression, feelings of misery, unhappiness, anxiety and other negative thoughts. Once they started walking about looking for Pokemon and doing battles […]

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Is Pokemon Go the Answer to Fighting Childhood Obesity?

The current Pokemon craze that has taken the US by storm has got more people moving about than any fitness program on the market. There are reports of people having sore leg muscles and being exhausted from being on the move the whole day. Pokemon Go has made more people give up their sedentary lifestyles than any fitness program on the market’ and here’s the kicker. They’re adults! Even adults love this game. You can’t begin to imagine how kids are going crazy trying to catch a […]

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